Bombshell Bronze
ADD-ONS: $5 each
- Shower, shave & exfoliate 24-48 hours before your spray session.
- Avoid heavy makeup, perfumes, deodorant, & lotions the day of your spray. (Moisturizing is fine as you don't want dry skin)
- Wear dark/loose-fit clothing to appointment to avoid bronze transfer or rubbing off of spray.
Regular Tan
- Avoid water or sweating at least 8 hours after your appointment.
- Full tanning results develop over 24 hours after your session. (8-12 hours good, 12-16 hours better, 16-24 hours best wait time before shower)
- First shower is rinse-only.
- Next shower is regular.
- Wash skin with soap and hand as using any exfoliation (washcloth, loofa, scrub) can cause spray to come off.
- Warm water only - too hot of water can dry out skin.
- Pat dry or airdry, rubbing dry can cause spray to rub off.
- Moisturize skin!